Your search returned 28 results.

The civil service of Malaysia : strengthening the administrative mechanism : (improvements and developments in the civil service of Malaysia 1998 / Malaysia Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU)


Material type: Text Text Kuala Lumpur : Malaysia Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), 1999Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 352.6309 CIV 1999 (1).

Malaysia information industry directory [19--]

Material type: Text Text Kuala Lumpur : Telekom Publications, [19--]Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 338.47 MAL (1).

Regional cooperation and the digital economy : Selected speeches of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia / edited by Hashim Makaruddin

by Mahathir bin Mohamad, Tun, 1925- | Hashim Makaruddin.

Material type: Text Text Subang Jaya : Pelanduk Publications, 2000 ©2000Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 330.900285 MAH 2000 (1).

Kerjasama serantau dan ekonomi digital : Ucapan pilihan Dr. Mahathir Mohamad / diedit oleh Hashim Makaruddin; penterjemah Rahayu Ibrahim dan Suziana Abd. Aziz

by Mahathir Mohamad, Tun, 1925- | Hashim Makaruddin | Rahayu Ibrahim | Suziana Abd. Aziz.

Material type: Text Text Kuala Lumpur : Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 337.595 MAH 2003 (2).

Perkhidmatan awam Malaysia : membudayakan teknologi maklumat / (pembaharuan dan kemajuan dalam Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia 1997)

by Malaysia. Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Unit Pemodenan Tadbiran (MAMPU).

Material type: Text Text Kuala Lumpur : Unit Pemodenan Tadbiran Malaysia (MAMPU, 1997Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 352.6309595 PER 1997 (2).

The civil service of Malaysia : building an IT culture

by Malaysia. Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Unit Permodenan Tadbiran.

Material type: Text Text Kuala Lumpur : Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), 1997Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 352.63095 CIV 1997 (1).

Total quality in information systems and technology/ by Jack Woodall, Deborah K. Rebuck [and] Frank Voehl

by Woodall, Jack | Rebuck, Deborah K | Voehl, Frank, 1946-.

Material type: Text Text Kuala Lumpur: Synergy Book International, 1997Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 658.4 WOO 1997 (1).

Southeast Asia transformed : a geography of change / edited by Chia Lin Sien

by Chia Lin Sien.

Material type: Text Text Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2003 ©2003Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 959.054 SOU 2003 (1).

Perkhidmatan awam menuju era baru = the civil service : towards a new era / Ahmad Sarji Bin Abdul Hamid

by Ahmad Sarji Bin Abdul Hamid, Tan Sri Dato' Seri, 2006.

Material type: Text Text Kuala Lumpur : Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN), 2006Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 354.59507 AHM 2006 (1).

Glosari teknologi maklumat (singkatan dan akronim) : bahasa Inggeris-bahasa Melayu-huraian, bahasa Melayu-bahasa Inggeris

Material type: Text Text Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2007 ©2007Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 004.03 GLO 2007 (1).

Panduan mencari maklumat / Irma Indayu Omar, Yushiana Mansor

by Irma Indayu Omar | Malaysia | Yushiana Mansor, 1966-.

Material type: Text Text Kuala Lumpur : PTS Professional Pub. , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 025.524 IRM 2007 (1).

Offshore outsourcing of it work : client and supplier perspectives / Mary C. Lacity & Joseph W. Rottman

by Lacity, Mary Cecelia | Rottman, Joseph W.

Material type: Text Text New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008Other title: Offshore outsourcing of information technology work.Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 658.4058 LAC 2008 (1).

The e-policy handbook : rules and best practices to safely manage your companys email, blogs, social networking and other electronik communication tools/ Nancy Flynn

by Flynn, Nancy, 1956-.

Material type: Text Text New York: AMACOM, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 004.06822 FLY 2009 (1).

Kerjaya dalam bidang ICT / Muhamad Ali

by Muhamad Ali.

Material type: Text Text Kuala Lumpur : PTS Professioal Pub., 2008Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 004.23 MA 2008 (1).

User acceptance of information technology : understanding theories and models / Maslin Masrom, Ramlah Hussein

by Maslin Masrom | Ramlah Hussein.

Material type: Text Text Batu Caves, Selangor : Venton Pub., 2008Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 004.068 MAS 2008 (1).

Library 2.0 and beyond : innovative technologies and tomorrow's user / edited by Nancy Courtney

by Courtney, Nancy.

Material type: Text Text Westport, CT : Libraries unlimited, 2007Other title: Library two point zero and beyond.Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 020.285 LIB 2007 (1).

Management information systems for the information age / Stephen Haag and Maeve Cummings

by Haag, Stephen | Cummings, Maeve.

Material type: Text Text Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 658.4 HAA 2008 (1).

Kerajaan elektronik : Kecemerlangan berterusan

by Malaysia Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Putrajaya : MAMPU, 2008Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 499.2386 KER 2008 (1).

Strategic information management : challenges and strategies in managing information systems / edited by Robert D. Galliers and Dorothy E. Leidner

by Galliers, Robert, 1947- | Leidner, D. E. (Dorothy E.).

Material type: Text Text Publisher: New York : Routledge, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 658.4 STR 2009 (1).

Democracy and media decadence / John Keane

by Keane, John, 1949.

Material type: Text Text Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013Availability: Items available for loan: JaPen Library HQCall number: 302.23 KEA 2013 (1).

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